Deer Tender Heart,
Poetry has been my life raft again & again, both bringing me to life & helping me bring life to others. My Fucking Tide: Love & Sex is a collection of poems that have been sitting & rooting since 2012, collecting poem kin along the way. I picked these specific poems to offer you because I am invoking healing through loving my hard-to-deal-with-parts & the magic that has come to me through good sex. "What is good sex?" you ask? The kind that left me wrung out & brimming with words. Healing & magic & sex & coming back to myself seamlessly blend together for me, & these are pieces of that journey. I am asking for an energy exchange in sharing this work, a donation of $10, $15, or $20. This collection holds 10 poems about love & sex & the magic in between. Please consider gifting yourself or your loves this bundle of femme healing, femme celebration, femme magic. All proceeds go to keeping me here & alive. I wrote The Nth Generation of Queer Brown Femmes: an invocation, one of the poems in this collection, while I lived in a magical place called the Baberation. We were / are a plethora of queer brown femmes who were / are still trying to figure shit out. One of the things I love(d) about the Baberation was that it was an old nunnery, & I spent many nights talking to the homo angels & queer femme ancestors that still resided in that building. I wrote this poem during these long conversations with myself & the Femmeiverse because I wanted an invocation of protection to combat what we were surviving & what was still yet to come. I hope it does something similar for you, deer one. The Nth Generation of Queer Brown Femmes: an invocation
sweet strong merciful Femme Ancestors,
we ask for your presence in our everyday ceremonies & rituals as we find ways to love & survive, for your protection & guidance as we heed our heart’s desires, & for your help clearing that which doesn't get the fuck out of our way. afemme.
This protection spell is a bonus poem not included in my original collection because it is very new. I wrote it in response to the fuckery I survive on the daily. I wrote it to let the Femmeriverse I am having none of it. I wrote it to send all the cowardly hearts their fucked up energy back. I wrote it to name what happens to me. I wrote it as a warning not to do this shit to me, because there will be consequences. There should be. You cannot fuck over holy fucking femmes anymore.
to the ones who fuck me over
Lettie Laughter is a tarot reading femme babe genius making magic in Philly. If you would like a tarot reading where you get to connect with your ancestors & spirit guides to receive their guidance, healing, comfort, Lettie can help with that! Areas of comfort include: feelings, trauma, family shit, What am I doing with my life?, & if you are seeking confirmation about signs or life choices in general. More information can be found at
If you have any questions, you can reach Lettie at [email protected]. |
make me some soup
juice me some juice
invite me over for tea
bake me some lavender lemon bars
make me breakfast
& all the mashed potatoes with
your best gravy
babysit my kid
not because i have to do something
like work
but just because ya know
i can’t get a free moment
to save my life
& ya know
ya wanna save my life
& while we’re on the subject of my
baby panda
love them
tell them all the good things
you feel & know in them
listen to them go on & on
about minecraft & pandas & Pokémon
& ask them questions
so they know you are paying attention
share your favorite poems with me
bonus points
if they’re ones i wrote
bonus points
if you read them to me
bonus points
if we are in a bed
with cozy soft things
& fluffy pillows
hold me when i cry
ask me first
& when i say yes
hold me when i cry
help me hold & carry
my sads
my grief
my never ending feels
hold me when i cry
hold space for my anger
cuz if ya know me
ya know there’s lots of
fucked up things that happen to me
let my rage live
tell me:
it’s not your fault
i love you
you didn’t do anything wrong
you are doing everything right
i acknowledge your sad
i acknowledge your angry
i am grateful you are still here
tell me the truth
write me love letters
protect me
acknowledge how you’ve let me be hurt
& how you’re gonna protect my vulnerable
tell me:
boo, you are not too much
& then write a poem about how
nobody ever tells the
milk way
hey, ya got too many stars!
& how nobody’s ever mad at the ocean
for crashing into the rocks
or for turning glass into smooth
handheld treasures
extend home invitations
gift me lipsticks &
high pigment eyeshadow
paint my nails
draw me a picture
adorn me with glitter &
consensual kisses
believe in me
believe in me
believe in me
fight for me
fight for me
fight for me
love me
love me
love me
make me some soup
juice me some juice
invite me over for tea
bake me some lavender lemon bars
make me breakfast
& all the mashed potatoes with
your best gravy
babysit my kid
not because i have to do something
like work
but just because ya know
i can’t get a free moment
to save my life
& ya know
ya wanna save my life
& while we’re on the subject of my
baby panda
love them
tell them all the good things
you feel & know in them
listen to them go on & on
about minecraft & pandas & Pokémon
& ask them questions
so they know you are paying attention
share your favorite poems with me
bonus points
if they’re ones i wrote
bonus points
if you read them to me
bonus points
if we are in a bed
with cozy soft things
& fluffy pillows
hold me when i cry
ask me first
& when i say yes
hold me when i cry
help me hold & carry
my sads
my grief
my never ending feels
hold me when i cry
hold space for my anger
cuz if ya know me
ya know there’s lots of
fucked up things that happen to me
let my rage live
tell me:
it’s not your fault
i love you
you didn’t do anything wrong
you are doing everything right
i acknowledge your sad
i acknowledge your angry
i am grateful you are still here
tell me the truth
write me love letters
protect me
acknowledge how you’ve let me be hurt
& how you’re gonna protect my vulnerable
tell me:
boo, you are not too much
& then write a poem about how
nobody ever tells the
milk way
hey, ya got too many stars!
& how nobody’s ever mad at the ocean
for crashing into the rocks
or for turning glass into smooth
handheld treasures
extend home invitations
gift me lipsticks &
high pigment eyeshadow
paint my nails
draw me a picture
adorn me with glitter &
consensual kisses
believe in me
believe in me
believe in me
fight for me
fight for me
fight for me
love me
love me
love me
Hello lovelies!
Panda & have made it to the East Coast, somewhere I hadn't really ever considered, but then the Femmeiverse brought all the signs from lots of people I trust. By the grace of femmes, we are currently housed & fed, & but we still need some financial support for essentials.
We left everything in Salt Lake, & only brought 4 suitcases worth of clothes, books, & shoes, which isn't a lot. I also had to borrow $500 through a payday loan to get us out, & my grace period has run out. Over the weekend, my bank account was emptied due to fees & such because I could not pay the whole amount. Fuck.
Please consider donating to my paypal ([email protected]) or to our YOUCARING! I'm also offering tarot reading classes along with tarot readings & other spiritual guidance that you can book through High Moon Femme Tarot.
I'm grateful for the work of supporting so many as a community femme healer, but I also want to stress how much I would also appreciate your generosity if you have enough to just give. I am a single parent with almost no support from my family-of-origin because of trauma & abuse, & I work so hard everyday to keep myself & Panda here, alive, soft & open. This is so much for one person to do on a daily basis.
I got a new part time job last Friday that starts this week, but it'll be a few weeks before I get paid. In the meantime, I've got food for this week, but will definitely be getting creative by Wednesday, & I don't want to wait until there's not a lot left before asking for support. I've officially been here long enough to begin applying for assistance, which I am, but that always takes time & lots of emotional energy.
In addition to funds for food, we also need money for transportation; an eventual coat; a few clothing basics for Panda with the cold weather; an eventual bed & blankets; paying off the payday loan, & finally, to help with maintenance related costs for High Moon Femme Tarot. This is very important because this has been our main source of income since moving here.
Thank you so much for reading & sharing with you friends, fam, & community members!
Lettie & Panda Pie
Panda & have made it to the East Coast, somewhere I hadn't really ever considered, but then the Femmeiverse brought all the signs from lots of people I trust. By the grace of femmes, we are currently housed & fed, & but we still need some financial support for essentials.
We left everything in Salt Lake, & only brought 4 suitcases worth of clothes, books, & shoes, which isn't a lot. I also had to borrow $500 through a payday loan to get us out, & my grace period has run out. Over the weekend, my bank account was emptied due to fees & such because I could not pay the whole amount. Fuck.
Please consider donating to my paypal ([email protected]) or to our YOUCARING! I'm also offering tarot reading classes along with tarot readings & other spiritual guidance that you can book through High Moon Femme Tarot.
I'm grateful for the work of supporting so many as a community femme healer, but I also want to stress how much I would also appreciate your generosity if you have enough to just give. I am a single parent with almost no support from my family-of-origin because of trauma & abuse, & I work so hard everyday to keep myself & Panda here, alive, soft & open. This is so much for one person to do on a daily basis.
I got a new part time job last Friday that starts this week, but it'll be a few weeks before I get paid. In the meantime, I've got food for this week, but will definitely be getting creative by Wednesday, & I don't want to wait until there's not a lot left before asking for support. I've officially been here long enough to begin applying for assistance, which I am, but that always takes time & lots of emotional energy.
In addition to funds for food, we also need money for transportation; an eventual coat; a few clothing basics for Panda with the cold weather; an eventual bed & blankets; paying off the payday loan, & finally, to help with maintenance related costs for High Moon Femme Tarot. This is very important because this has been our main source of income since moving here.
Thank you so much for reading & sharing with you friends, fam, & community members!
Lettie & Panda Pie
morning: two femmes are sitting on the same on opposite ends of an L-shaped couch. one is on a laptop, the other is putting on makeup.
l: do you have amazon prime? you did when you were in college, right?
L: yes, i did. & yes, i do. & no, you cannot use it.
l: i didn’t ask.
L: but you’re gonna.
l: who else am i gonna ask? c’mon i need to know if this is the dress.
L: if it is & you don’t get it?...
l: it won’t matter. i’ll still--
L: —don’t say it.
l: i have to. i want to.
L: not now. not today.
l: it’ll be ok. you’ll be ok!
L: just not today.
l: fine. not today.
mid day: L is putting on makeup in their room, next to a window for natural light. their back is to the door, & to l when they walk in.
l: guess what? my dress came!
L: i don’t care.
l: wanna see?
L: i don’t care.
l: it’s super cute!
L: i don’t care.
l: can i show you?
L: i’ll see it anyways. isn’t it, like, bad luck to see you in it before--
l: —i’m not getting married. i’m--
L: — don’t. say it.
l: you’re gonna know everything anyways. you’ll understand then. hopefully.
L: hopefully? hopefully? that’s all you’ve got for me? hopefully. i wait my whole life for me to make sense—i pray, i cry, i surrender, i write, i cast spells & conjure & tarot, & finally i leave that fucking city, i get sick, really sick, & when i start coming back to life, i find you. My Guardian, The One Who Knows--
l: —i know.
L: no you don’t!
l: but i do! i loved you as you searched & faltered & hovered near death for years. i loved you as you healed & conjured & opened that whale-belly-to-the-bottom-of-the-ocean heart of yours. & i loved you the whole time, hoping you would find me, but knowing when you did, it wouldn’t last. it can’t. i have to die so you can do all the things we were meant to do.
L: what if i don’t want to do “all the things we were meant to do”? it hurts! sure, iget it, there’s been a futility to you love, but you’ve had time. i don’t get time. it’s been so nice, being able to talk with someone, another body, having another person love me, hug me, another voice, not just my voice that says, “yeah, that’s fucked up!” & what is it i’m supposed to do? healing feels like a lot of fucked up shit happening & just witnessing, not stopping any of it! i don’t want this, these feelings i don’t know what to fucking do with! fuck you. fuck you for loving me, & fuck you for leaving me, just like everyone always does. get out of my room.
night: l is in their room, sitting, laying tarot cards out on their bed. candles are burning.
L knocks on l’s door.
l: go away, please.
L knocks again, more forcefully.
l: fine.
L: i can’t stop thinking of you.
l: let it go.
L: but i can’t. there has to be another way.
l: there’s not. this is what i’m supposed to do. i’m not scared. i’ll miss you, but i’m not scared.
L: how? tell me how you’re not scared. help me through this last thing before you…before you die.
l: you said it. you let it be true.
they both laugh & cry at the same time.
L: what helps you smile when you know you’re leaving me?
l: i can’t see or know very far, like, they don’t let me, but your heart does. that beautiful heart you call a whale heart. if you ever need me, or need instructions, dive, baby. dive as far as you dare, then dive til you bump against the ocean bottom, & i will be there. they won’t let me say much more because i’m already holding so much, but i can tell you it’s better than what you’ve seen or imagined. just keep breathing, keep loving, even when nothing makes sense. & always start with you.
L: fuck, i knew that.
they both laugh.
l: but you needed to hear it one last time. or, rather, i needed to tell you one last time.
L: so tell me, how can i help you finish getting ready?
l: wanna see my new dress?
L: yes! & i totally know you used my account!
l: it’ll help you justify keeping it!
L: lemme me see it! i bet it looks cuter in person!
l leaves to put on the dress & comes back wearing it.
l: i love the drama of black lace, & it was half off!
L: shoes?
l: bare feet.
L: pedicure?
l: fuck yes.
L: color:
l: hot pink.
L: perfect! i think i’ve got a bottle in my bag! can i paint your toes?
l: yes! that’s exactly what i need.
L rummages around in their bag, but it’s so full of stuff they can’t find it immediately.
L: i have so much shit in here, hold on a sec…
L dumps everything out onto a table with their back turned to l.
l: you’re so sweet. i love you.
L: i love you, too.
L turns around with the polish in hand & realizes l is gone. A breeze moves through the room, & the candles & lights go out at the same time.
morning: two femmes are sitting on the same on opposite ends of an L-shaped couch. one is on a laptop, the other is putting on makeup.
l: do you have amazon prime? you did when you were in college, right?
L: yes, i did. & yes, i do. & no, you cannot use it.
l: i didn’t ask.
L: but you’re gonna.
l: who else am i gonna ask? c’mon i need to know if this is the dress.
L: if it is & you don’t get it?...
l: it won’t matter. i’ll still--
L: —don’t say it.
l: i have to. i want to.
L: not now. not today.
l: it’ll be ok. you’ll be ok!
L: just not today.
l: fine. not today.
mid day: L is putting on makeup in their room, next to a window for natural light. their back is to the door, & to l when they walk in.
l: guess what? my dress came!
L: i don’t care.
l: wanna see?
L: i don’t care.
l: it’s super cute!
L: i don’t care.
l: can i show you?
L: i’ll see it anyways. isn’t it, like, bad luck to see you in it before--
l: —i’m not getting married. i’m--
L: — don’t. say it.
l: you’re gonna know everything anyways. you’ll understand then. hopefully.
L: hopefully? hopefully? that’s all you’ve got for me? hopefully. i wait my whole life for me to make sense—i pray, i cry, i surrender, i write, i cast spells & conjure & tarot, & finally i leave that fucking city, i get sick, really sick, & when i start coming back to life, i find you. My Guardian, The One Who Knows--
l: —i know.
L: no you don’t!
l: but i do! i loved you as you searched & faltered & hovered near death for years. i loved you as you healed & conjured & opened that whale-belly-to-the-bottom-of-the-ocean heart of yours. & i loved you the whole time, hoping you would find me, but knowing when you did, it wouldn’t last. it can’t. i have to die so you can do all the things we were meant to do.
L: what if i don’t want to do “all the things we were meant to do”? it hurts! sure, iget it, there’s been a futility to you love, but you’ve had time. i don’t get time. it’s been so nice, being able to talk with someone, another body, having another person love me, hug me, another voice, not just my voice that says, “yeah, that’s fucked up!” & what is it i’m supposed to do? healing feels like a lot of fucked up shit happening & just witnessing, not stopping any of it! i don’t want this, these feelings i don’t know what to fucking do with! fuck you. fuck you for loving me, & fuck you for leaving me, just like everyone always does. get out of my room.
night: l is in their room, sitting, laying tarot cards out on their bed. candles are burning.
L knocks on l’s door.
l: go away, please.
L knocks again, more forcefully.
l: fine.
L: i can’t stop thinking of you.
l: let it go.
L: but i can’t. there has to be another way.
l: there’s not. this is what i’m supposed to do. i’m not scared. i’ll miss you, but i’m not scared.
L: how? tell me how you’re not scared. help me through this last thing before you…before you die.
l: you said it. you let it be true.
they both laugh & cry at the same time.
L: what helps you smile when you know you’re leaving me?
l: i can’t see or know very far, like, they don’t let me, but your heart does. that beautiful heart you call a whale heart. if you ever need me, or need instructions, dive, baby. dive as far as you dare, then dive til you bump against the ocean bottom, & i will be there. they won’t let me say much more because i’m already holding so much, but i can tell you it’s better than what you’ve seen or imagined. just keep breathing, keep loving, even when nothing makes sense. & always start with you.
L: fuck, i knew that.
they both laugh.
l: but you needed to hear it one last time. or, rather, i needed to tell you one last time.
L: so tell me, how can i help you finish getting ready?
l: wanna see my new dress?
L: yes! & i totally know you used my account!
l: it’ll help you justify keeping it!
L: lemme me see it! i bet it looks cuter in person!
l leaves to put on the dress & comes back wearing it.
l: i love the drama of black lace, & it was half off!
L: shoes?
l: bare feet.
L: pedicure?
l: fuck yes.
L: color:
l: hot pink.
L: perfect! i think i’ve got a bottle in my bag! can i paint your toes?
l: yes! that’s exactly what i need.
L rummages around in their bag, but it’s so full of stuff they can’t find it immediately.
L: i have so much shit in here, hold on a sec…
L dumps everything out onto a table with their back turned to l.
l: you’re so sweet. i love you.
L: i love you, too.
L turns around with the polish in hand & realizes l is gone. A breeze moves through the room, & the candles & lights go out at the same time.
trusting this story to be enough was a process. i know that i am a only a vessel, & that most often my only job is to tell the story as it comes through, but it is still so hard to trust it. i want to make sure every story that comes through me is not only the best, but perfect. & this is where i can become stuck.
at the tender age of 32, i am still trying to undue the writing fuckery i've survived in a variety of writing environments, laying to rest all the ways i've been misunderstood & all the unhelpful but supposed to be helpful comments from people who will never know me. i do this by telling myself that these stories want & need to be told, that they chose me as their conduit because i have the specific skill set required for such a task. & as much as i want my stories to always be held, always be loved, always be cherished, i have no actual control over any of this. but, what i can do, & what i must do, is trust that these stories are enough, that some canonical version of perfection is not required, & that we, my stories & i, get to take up space in this world.
it is with this understanding that grants me peace in saying that i will not tell you what this story is supposed to be about (at least for now), because i want it to live inside of you in the ways it calls to you. your relationship to this story is between you & this story, & for me to come in & pretend like i can know anything about that is false.
what i will tell you is that this story is about whatever it is to be for you, that your connection to it is real. if it has found you, you were both calling for each other, & the femmeiverse loves us all.
my deepest hope is this story will continue to loved & cherished & bring life, long after i've sent it into the world.
at the tender age of 32, i am still trying to undue the writing fuckery i've survived in a variety of writing environments, laying to rest all the ways i've been misunderstood & all the unhelpful but supposed to be helpful comments from people who will never know me. i do this by telling myself that these stories want & need to be told, that they chose me as their conduit because i have the specific skill set required for such a task. & as much as i want my stories to always be held, always be loved, always be cherished, i have no actual control over any of this. but, what i can do, & what i must do, is trust that these stories are enough, that some canonical version of perfection is not required, & that we, my stories & i, get to take up space in this world.
it is with this understanding that grants me peace in saying that i will not tell you what this story is supposed to be about (at least for now), because i want it to live inside of you in the ways it calls to you. your relationship to this story is between you & this story, & for me to come in & pretend like i can know anything about that is false.
what i will tell you is that this story is about whatever it is to be for you, that your connection to it is real. if it has found you, you were both calling for each other, & the femmeiverse loves us all.
my deepest hope is this story will continue to loved & cherished & bring life, long after i've sent it into the world.

Lettie Laughter is a talented & powerful healer, here to serve their communities near & far. Lettie is also in debt & needs help as they regroup from moving across the country with their 10-year-old kiddo.
They need funds for necessities such as transportation to school & work, a steady stream of food, the phone bill, small business costs for High Moon Femme Tarot, a $500 loan to get out of SLC, a bed, blankets, pillows, & new clothes for Panda.
You can support their work by donating to their YOUCARING fundraiser, booking a tarot reading with them at High Moon Femme Tarot, or promoting their work! Please practice community care & help if you can, all love & support is deeply needed & appreciated!
They need funds for necessities such as transportation to school & work, a steady stream of food, the phone bill, small business costs for High Moon Femme Tarot, a $500 loan to get out of SLC, a bed, blankets, pillows, & new clothes for Panda.
You can support their work by donating to their YOUCARING fundraiser, booking a tarot reading with them at High Moon Femme Tarot, or promoting their work! Please practice community care & help if you can, all love & support is deeply needed & appreciated!
cw: processing family-of-origin stuff that include abuse & gaslighting. if these are things that hurt you, too, or might cause feelings, take care of yourself in the best way you know how. even if that means not reading, or taking breaks, & whatever else you choose, i honor that, too.
good morning from my third official week on the east coast.
when i was leaving // fleeing salt lake three weeks & 1 day ago, i could not have foreseen this. that last week in salt lake was brutal. it was feeling like every tendril of survival i had ever stitched together was rapidly falling apart.
i had been living with my parents for almost two & a half months, & every week i saw my therapist, she was like, "Is there anywhere else you can go? I'm so worried about you. I'm worried you're not actually going to get out. So much of your energy is spent trying to survive the day to day, I don't know if you understand that." she was right. those last few days i was there, it became astoundingly & painfully clear.
when i was leaving // fleeing salt lake three weeks & 1 day ago, i could not have foreseen this. that last week in salt lake was brutal. it was feeling like every tendril of survival i had ever stitched together was rapidly falling apart.
i had been living with my parents for almost two & a half months, & every week i saw my therapist, she was like, "Is there anywhere else you can go? I'm so worried about you. I'm worried you're not actually going to get out. So much of your energy is spent trying to survive the day to day, I don't know if you understand that." she was right. those last few days i was there, it became astoundingly & painfully clear.
living with my parents again helped me understand myself, helped me understand how i chose substances as escape as self care as survival, & how it really did keep me alive. i was able to meet these parts of me & grieve & forgive & offer compassion & gentleness. i also gained insight as to how i have been gaslighted & abused almost my whole up bringing, & definitely into my adulthood, & how this caused me to doubt everything i know to be true.
while living with them, it was acceptable for me to be interrogated about choices that i make for myself & Panda Pie, for these interrogations to have no purpose other than for me to internalize that i am incompetent & irresponsible, that i don't have a fucking clue about anything.
what is really upsetting is that that these abusive episodes were ultimately supposed to be a show of love, their love. but it felt nothing like the love i have nourishing & growing since i left their house. instead, it felt like they were uprooting everything i had spent years growing, & it was so painful & confusing, & it worked. i began believing that i was shit, that i was a failure, & maybe i don't know anything about anything after all.
it was also terrifying to realize how this pattern of manipulations has played out in my most significant intimate partnerships, to acknowledge that almost all of my abuse has started out as me searching for love & someone offering that love to me. love. how terrible for everyone to have cloaked their abuse to me as love. no wonder so many violences felt like home.
while living with them, it was acceptable for me to be interrogated about choices that i make for myself & Panda Pie, for these interrogations to have no purpose other than for me to internalize that i am incompetent & irresponsible, that i don't have a fucking clue about anything.
what is really upsetting is that that these abusive episodes were ultimately supposed to be a show of love, their love. but it felt nothing like the love i have nourishing & growing since i left their house. instead, it felt like they were uprooting everything i had spent years growing, & it was so painful & confusing, & it worked. i began believing that i was shit, that i was a failure, & maybe i don't know anything about anything after all.
it was also terrifying to realize how this pattern of manipulations has played out in my most significant intimate partnerships, to acknowledge that almost all of my abuse has started out as me searching for love & someone offering that love to me. love. how terrible for everyone to have cloaked their abuse to me as love. no wonder so many violences felt like home.
that last week i was there, old & deep trauma came back. so old & deep there are parts i had never mentioned to anyone, not even to my trusted & beloved therapist that i've seen faithfully for the past four years. & for the first time, i had the support of one of my siblings. this is what changes everything, because never before had there been anything or anyone other than me to tip the scale of truth in my family-of-origin.
i've tried over the years to talk about these things openly with my family-of-origin, but it only strengthened their case against me that i was crazy & untrustworthy. my parents were the ones to lead the charge, conditioning my siblings, who were so young & kept uninformed, to regard me in the same manner. i had little to no power in my position. i have always been the scapegoat. it was easier for my family to survive that way, & since i left // was pushed out at age 18, i've played a dangerous game of loving them while also healing on my own. but now, things are different. i am not alone.
all of this is to say, five days before i left, i unexpectedly fled from my parents' apartment. i spent the whole day triggered & disassociated, texting my sibling from what felt like the back of my mind, trying to plan when & how to leave without making things worse. i settled on the lie of leaving late to watch a movie. i had done this before & didn't come home, so it was nothing new. the nonchalance was key, & it worked. that's really all that matters.
the following 4 days were tethered together with tears & memories & feelings in the body & using all my spoons to feed Panda & get them to school. tethered together when i remembered to feed myself, when friends fed me in all the ways i needed, when Panda received care from our friends to grant me a much needed reprieve. & tethered together with reminders that this was a gift from the femmeiverse, an answered prayer, & that my Ancestors & Guides were carrying us through.
i've tried over the years to talk about these things openly with my family-of-origin, but it only strengthened their case against me that i was crazy & untrustworthy. my parents were the ones to lead the charge, conditioning my siblings, who were so young & kept uninformed, to regard me in the same manner. i had little to no power in my position. i have always been the scapegoat. it was easier for my family to survive that way, & since i left // was pushed out at age 18, i've played a dangerous game of loving them while also healing on my own. but now, things are different. i am not alone.
all of this is to say, five days before i left, i unexpectedly fled from my parents' apartment. i spent the whole day triggered & disassociated, texting my sibling from what felt like the back of my mind, trying to plan when & how to leave without making things worse. i settled on the lie of leaving late to watch a movie. i had done this before & didn't come home, so it was nothing new. the nonchalance was key, & it worked. that's really all that matters.
the following 4 days were tethered together with tears & memories & feelings in the body & using all my spoons to feed Panda & get them to school. tethered together when i remembered to feed myself, when friends fed me in all the ways i needed, when Panda received care from our friends to grant me a much needed reprieve. & tethered together with reminders that this was a gift from the femmeiverse, an answered prayer, & that my Ancestors & Guides were carrying us through.
If you’d like to make an important donation to support this valuable work, there’s a Paypal link on the sidebar of my website. I’d really love to receive $50-$75 for my creative efforts & healing channeling today in the form of this post. Your energy exchange of $1-$75 makes all the difference! Thank you so much!
on top of all the emotional labor, there was tasks that required my bodily strength. i had a list of things i had to do, & with the help of my community, i was able to pare it down to 4 things: rent a moving truck, get my storage in order, say goodbye, & pack. i was reading tarot & asking & to make the money things happen, but in the end, i had to take out a loan of $500. i felt like i was fighting for my life, & i told myself we were gonna get the fuck out, no matter what it took.
the day before i was to get on the plane to my new life, i spent half of it talking with my deer femme-of-the-heart about all the things, & the second half condensing three & a half storage units down to one. it was a miraculous feat! i was quickly losing my voice, so i ate pineapple & couch drops & chased them with coffee. i rpomised my body it could breakdown later, but right now we just had to get through.
i hauled three truck loads of my life to the local thrift stores, a dresser i had had before Panda was born with their dad's love note to me scrawled & scraped out of the top drawer; the gigantic dresser my mom loaned me that i was all to happy to insult by giving it away for nothing; what remained of the dishes a once deer friend had gifted me for father's day; clothes & toys i no longer remembered i'd kept, & all the books that had somehow been ruined by mold. my signed copies of poetry books were the things i was most sad to say goodbye to, but my survival self made it easy after the nostalgia waned. after that, everything else was easy to let go of.
what did i keep? Panda's baby clothes, their stuffed animal babies, their legos, all my journals that i had thankfully stored in a plastic container (thank you future-past lettie!), what was left of my books, my new bed, & a smattering of things i realized i had room to keep. it was all such a blur, a hotter-day-than-i-realized, hungry, thirsty, back aching blur. & we did it. with only a minute or two to spare, we sped out of the storage place before they closed & locked the gates. it felt like a kind of victory. my list was half complete.
in the days leading up to my departure, i promised myself with every breathe, We are getting on that plane, no matter what. Even if all I have are the pajamas on our backs. gratefully, ultimately, it did not come to that, but i had to prepare for anything. the night before, the femmeiverse opened up & i was gifted 3 suitcases to add to our carryon, & spent all night packing & repacking our lives into these rectangles. i crammed all manner of books into any sliver of space in the suitcases, & dedicated one to makeup & tinctures & essential oils, with more books as padding. i think that was probably the heaviest of them all.
i slept for a few episodes of my comfort series, ate movie popcorn, prayed, & packed some more.
the day before i was to get on the plane to my new life, i spent half of it talking with my deer femme-of-the-heart about all the things, & the second half condensing three & a half storage units down to one. it was a miraculous feat! i was quickly losing my voice, so i ate pineapple & couch drops & chased them with coffee. i rpomised my body it could breakdown later, but right now we just had to get through.
i hauled three truck loads of my life to the local thrift stores, a dresser i had had before Panda was born with their dad's love note to me scrawled & scraped out of the top drawer; the gigantic dresser my mom loaned me that i was all to happy to insult by giving it away for nothing; what remained of the dishes a once deer friend had gifted me for father's day; clothes & toys i no longer remembered i'd kept, & all the books that had somehow been ruined by mold. my signed copies of poetry books were the things i was most sad to say goodbye to, but my survival self made it easy after the nostalgia waned. after that, everything else was easy to let go of.
what did i keep? Panda's baby clothes, their stuffed animal babies, their legos, all my journals that i had thankfully stored in a plastic container (thank you future-past lettie!), what was left of my books, my new bed, & a smattering of things i realized i had room to keep. it was all such a blur, a hotter-day-than-i-realized, hungry, thirsty, back aching blur. & we did it. with only a minute or two to spare, we sped out of the storage place before they closed & locked the gates. it felt like a kind of victory. my list was half complete.
in the days leading up to my departure, i promised myself with every breathe, We are getting on that plane, no matter what. Even if all I have are the pajamas on our backs. gratefully, ultimately, it did not come to that, but i had to prepare for anything. the night before, the femmeiverse opened up & i was gifted 3 suitcases to add to our carryon, & spent all night packing & repacking our lives into these rectangles. i crammed all manner of books into any sliver of space in the suitcases, & dedicated one to makeup & tinctures & essential oils, with more books as padding. i think that was probably the heaviest of them all.
i slept for a few episodes of my comfort series, ate movie popcorn, prayed, & packed some more.
as the sky turned light blue & orange, i finished the last of my cramming, & decided how i wanted to show up for this grand date with destiny. i kept out my new purple dress, my boots, that wouldn't fit, & a few pieces of jewelry & hand held stones (amazonite for heart & the smokey quartz i used to help both my grandmothers die). intermittently, as the sun rose, i went outside & prayed for ease, to get on that plane, to have the strength to leave i also made the call to put on a full, sobbing-friendly, face, with black lips for my mourning. i have come to love how makeup is an art that conveys so much without a single word.
in the end, i cried & cried & cried. i didn't get to see most of my deerest friends, didn't get to eat at my favorite place, didn't feel complete in my goodbyes. i was also heartbroken about my parents & felt like a bad child. i had to call my friend when i felt i might falter, confessing what a bad child i was, but was reminded that it wasn't me that was bad--i was only trying to stay alive, to leave, no matter what.
i didn't want to leave my sibling, i didn't want to leave my femmeily, & i was angry. angry that the majority of my community, the people i loved & opened my precious heart to, never learned to love me in ways that would keep me there. that they betrayed me, again & again, & that it would probably never stop, only change shape instead, setting me up for deep grief & disappointment. nothing about this felt fair.
we barely made our flight because our departure coincided with a big conference that had ended, & everywhere were lines lines lines. we half walked half jogged to the terminal, Panda in charge of their backpack, pulling a carryon, their coat, & their babies, me carrying my shoes, another carryon, hauling my backpack, purse with snacks & documents, & a few Panda pillow-babies. we got to the terminal just as they were calling standby, & we boarded.
after pleading & begging someone to change their seat so we could sit together (because apparently i had to fight to the bitter end), i remembered that the ones we were leaving wanted a text to make sure we made it. so i obliged & sent out this beauty:
in the end, i cried & cried & cried. i didn't get to see most of my deerest friends, didn't get to eat at my favorite place, didn't feel complete in my goodbyes. i was also heartbroken about my parents & felt like a bad child. i had to call my friend when i felt i might falter, confessing what a bad child i was, but was reminded that it wasn't me that was bad--i was only trying to stay alive, to leave, no matter what.
i didn't want to leave my sibling, i didn't want to leave my femmeily, & i was angry. angry that the majority of my community, the people i loved & opened my precious heart to, never learned to love me in ways that would keep me there. that they betrayed me, again & again, & that it would probably never stop, only change shape instead, setting me up for deep grief & disappointment. nothing about this felt fair.
we barely made our flight because our departure coincided with a big conference that had ended, & everywhere were lines lines lines. we half walked half jogged to the terminal, Panda in charge of their backpack, pulling a carryon, their coat, & their babies, me carrying my shoes, another carryon, hauling my backpack, purse with snacks & documents, & a few Panda pillow-babies. we got to the terminal just as they were calling standby, & we boarded.
after pleading & begging someone to change their seat so we could sit together (because apparently i had to fight to the bitter end), i remembered that the ones we were leaving wanted a text to make sure we made it. so i obliged & sent out this beauty:
& thus, the next part of our journey began.
i realize now that i'm going to need to write about this in more than one piece, & that means for now this is going to feel unfinished, but this is already so much for me. i really wanted to write about how growing a new life & new self feels, but this needs to come first. because this is also part of the process of growing new things. nothing just appears, i should know that. this is how i am eating death to bring life.
deer lettie,
thank you for showing up & carrying me through, for all the things that made me possible--this is how we survived & fought & won. i love you, & we are doing everything right. i trust you.
future ancestor lettie
i realize now that i'm going to need to write about this in more than one piece, & that means for now this is going to feel unfinished, but this is already so much for me. i really wanted to write about how growing a new life & new self feels, but this needs to come first. because this is also part of the process of growing new things. nothing just appears, i should know that. this is how i am eating death to bring life.
deer lettie,
thank you for showing up & carrying me through, for all the things that made me possible--this is how we survived & fought & won. i love you, & we are doing everything right. i trust you.
future ancestor lettie

Lettie Laughter is a talented & powerful healer, here to serve their communities near & far. Lettie is also in debt & needs help as a single mama getting things taken care of, like: transportation to school & future work, a steady stream of food, the phone bill, small business costs for High Moon Femme Tarot, a $500 loan to get out of SLC, a bed, blankets, pillows, & new clothes for Panda.
You can support their work by donating to their YOUCARING fundraiser, booking a tarot reading with them at High Moon Femme Tarot, or promoting their work. Please practice community care & help if you can, all love & support is deeply needed & appreciated!
You can support their work by donating to their YOUCARING fundraiser, booking a tarot reading with them at High Moon Femme Tarot, or promoting their work. Please practice community care & help if you can, all love & support is deeply needed & appreciated!
***CW: i'm talking some about emotional pain from childhood, when
i wanted to runaway,& some self-harm in the form of trichotillomania
& scratching myself (specifically in the second paragraph for the self-harming behaviors). the rest of the piece is about time travel & healing. if these might be things that trigger feels that hurt more than heal, please be gentle with yourself, make the best choices for you, & breathe deep & gentle.
i wanted to runaway,& some self-harm in the form of trichotillomania
& scratching myself (specifically in the second paragraph for the self-harming behaviors). the rest of the piece is about time travel & healing. if these might be things that trigger feels that hurt more than heal, please be gentle with yourself, make the best choices for you, & breathe deep & gentle.
i thought i knew ten-year-old Lettie, but what i knew better than her was how to bandaid her hurt. i am versed in traveling back to baby Lettie, jumping through portals in church walls, covering our ears, & taking us away, but not with 10-year-old Lettie.
10 year-old Lettie was so sad. once, i tried to run away but didn’t because there was no where to go. that was also when i began pulling my hair out, one by one, fingers searching for the base of course, thick roots. i did it more than i meant to, & was not conscious of how this affected my appearance. i only knew it was something bad because of my mother’s shame.
in order to search for another route to my root, i need to travel back to the night i tried to run away but had nowhere to go, to be standing at the window when 10-year-old Lettie walked back into our room while mom was crying in the bathroom going through our runaway back pack.
“Hi, baby. I’m Lettie. I’m future us.”
I don’t know why I wasn’t scared of someone new in my room standing by the window, but I wasn’t. I felt hungry & satiated at the same time.
“Hi. Lettie? I’m not Lettie though, I’m—“
“Why do you call yourself Lettie, but you’re supposed to be me?”
“Uh, yeah. I can understand how that is confusing. Am I scaring you?”
“Ok, good.”
“If you’re future me, can you prove it?”
“Yes, I can,” I laughed. “Your mom is in the bathroom going through the pink & teal backpack you packed to run away with. But you have nowhere to go—“
“—but I have thought of a place.”
“The carport?”
“Yeah, you don’t wanna sleep there. Besides, I wanna take you with me.”
“How do I know who you are again?”
“Can I hug you?”
“Not yet.”
“Well, maybe hold your hand? Shake your hand? I’ve never done this before, but I have a feeling if we touch, something will happen.”
“Ok. I’ll touch the back of your hand.”
“Cool. Maybe we should sit down, too.”
& when she/I touched me/us, our arms flushed where I had brought blood to the surface earlier that evening with distress & dragging my nails across my forearm. & then other scars began to match. I brought my hand back before too many lit up.
“Sorry. I didn’t know that’s what was gonna happen. Are you ok?”
“Yeah. Is it weird that I trust you because our pains match?"
“It makes sense to me you would trust pain. There’s a lot of it for you right now.”
We began to cry.
“Can I take you somewhere?”
“Yes. Take me.”
I opened a portal on the west wall where our ballerina toe pointe shoe with the matching pink rose & matching pink frame picture hung. I knew exactly where to take us.
10 year-old Lettie was so sad. once, i tried to run away but didn’t because there was no where to go. that was also when i began pulling my hair out, one by one, fingers searching for the base of course, thick roots. i did it more than i meant to, & was not conscious of how this affected my appearance. i only knew it was something bad because of my mother’s shame.
in order to search for another route to my root, i need to travel back to the night i tried to run away but had nowhere to go, to be standing at the window when 10-year-old Lettie walked back into our room while mom was crying in the bathroom going through our runaway back pack.
“Hi, baby. I’m Lettie. I’m future us.”
I don’t know why I wasn’t scared of someone new in my room standing by the window, but I wasn’t. I felt hungry & satiated at the same time.
“Hi. Lettie? I’m not Lettie though, I’m—“
“Why do you call yourself Lettie, but you’re supposed to be me?”
“Uh, yeah. I can understand how that is confusing. Am I scaring you?”
“Ok, good.”
“If you’re future me, can you prove it?”
“Yes, I can,” I laughed. “Your mom is in the bathroom going through the pink & teal backpack you packed to run away with. But you have nowhere to go—“
“—but I have thought of a place.”
“The carport?”
“Yeah, you don’t wanna sleep there. Besides, I wanna take you with me.”
“How do I know who you are again?”
“Can I hug you?”
“Not yet.”
“Well, maybe hold your hand? Shake your hand? I’ve never done this before, but I have a feeling if we touch, something will happen.”
“Ok. I’ll touch the back of your hand.”
“Cool. Maybe we should sit down, too.”
& when she/I touched me/us, our arms flushed where I had brought blood to the surface earlier that evening with distress & dragging my nails across my forearm. & then other scars began to match. I brought my hand back before too many lit up.
“Sorry. I didn’t know that’s what was gonna happen. Are you ok?”
“Yeah. Is it weird that I trust you because our pains match?"
“It makes sense to me you would trust pain. There’s a lot of it for you right now.”
We began to cry.
“Can I take you somewhere?”
“Yes. Take me.”
I opened a portal on the west wall where our ballerina toe pointe shoe with the matching pink rose & matching pink frame picture hung. I knew exactly where to take us.
If you’d like to make an important donation to support this valuable work, there’s a Paypal link on the sidebar of my website. I’d really love to receive anywhere from at least $30-$50 for my creative efforts & healing channeling today in the form of this post. Your energy exchange of $1-$50 makes all the difference, thank you so much!
When I opened my eyes, Lettie was next to me & I could hear crashing & birds.
“Where are we?”
“Santa Monica. California. We have family here. Chosen family.”
“Why did you take me here?”
“I had this dream almost ten years ago, but in your future, when I felt really lost & alone. I buried a magpie that was dead & said a prayer for them, & that night they brought me a dream. At the end of the dream, I walked up to the attic of a big house, & suspended in mid air was a beautiful bird that was talking to me in my mind. They told me I was gonna be ok & that I am so deeply loved. I woke up the next morning knowing that I was gonna be ok. I needed that.”
“Are you my dream?”
“Does this feel like a dream?”
“I’m real. You’re real. This is real.”
& we both sighed real deep.
“Come here.”
Then I followed Lettie down the beach to the water’s edge.
“Sit with me here. I’m gonna teach you a song.”
“Where are we?”
“Santa Monica. California. We have family here. Chosen family.”
“Why did you take me here?”
“I had this dream almost ten years ago, but in your future, when I felt really lost & alone. I buried a magpie that was dead & said a prayer for them, & that night they brought me a dream. At the end of the dream, I walked up to the attic of a big house, & suspended in mid air was a beautiful bird that was talking to me in my mind. They told me I was gonna be ok & that I am so deeply loved. I woke up the next morning knowing that I was gonna be ok. I needed that.”
“Are you my dream?”
“Does this feel like a dream?”
“I’m real. You’re real. This is real.”
& we both sighed real deep.
“Come here.”
Then I followed Lettie down the beach to the water’s edge.
“Sit with me here. I’m gonna teach you a song.”
Lettie Laughter is an nth generation community healer & orator, indigenous femme single mama, & brand new east coast resident.
They are still raising funds $$$ for this brand new life, because all they brought were 4 suitcases worth of clothes, books, shoes, journals, makeup, & stuffed animal babies. They need everything else from a bed & bedding to food & money for transportation, for both them & their 10-year-old kiddo.
If Lettie's words of healing & magic have ever brought clarity or comfort, please consider supporting them in this life. You can support through donating to their Paypal or their Youcaring, or by booking a tarot reading of your own! All pertinent info is available on this website. XOXO
They are still raising funds $$$ for this brand new life, because all they brought were 4 suitcases worth of clothes, books, shoes, journals, makeup, & stuffed animal babies. They need everything else from a bed & bedding to food & money for transportation, for both them & their 10-year-old kiddo.
If Lettie's words of healing & magic have ever brought clarity or comfort, please consider supporting them in this life. You can support through donating to their Paypal or their Youcaring, or by booking a tarot reading of your own! All pertinent info is available on this website. XOXO
in the beginning, i only knew you loved me in your absence. later, you confirmed to me that you spent whole afternoons crying alone, promising to come clean to me. i never asked when it was you first knew you loved me more than we put on. i always thought i had more time because i always think i have more time. for anyone who ever wants to reduce me to pessimism: fuck you.
i only started to feel the sting of your withdrawals a few years ago. there was this one fall late afternoon turned evening when you were catching me up on your happenings while you were away, & i knew all my intuitions were true.
as we perched half in & half out of the couch that eats you, you told me of the game you (probably still) play(ed) everyday, & how the husband of your character died, & then of how this woman began to spend time at the community center where she met a friend. some time later, when she would hang out with this friend, who was also a woman, hearts began appearing. though the game you play(ed) did not allow them to get married, which is usually where the hearts led to, you made it so they could live together.
this made everyone happy. the quality of their collective lives improved.
you looked slightly embarrassed & slightly invigorated as you relayed this story to me.
all i wanted to know was, “does your husband have to die for you to be with me, too?”
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the snowless December night you confessed you liked me-liked me, we stood outside my house smoking. you had been drinking a little. not my preference as far as confessional revelations go, but whatever. i asked you why you were giving someone i was sweet with such a hard time about not calling me when she said she would.
you weren’t this hard on e! i teased, knowing well why. the fact that someone was saying, “i love you” in return gave me a bolster of confidence.
i had promised myself that i would never say it first. not to you. you are married.
i had resolved to carry this love for you inside forever because you were my best friend, & i wanted all the silly pie making, apron wearing, tincture conjuring dreams of when we’re 40 to come true. i was making good on this promise.
you wanna know the truth?! [you smiled.]
yes. [i smiled back.]
the truth truth?
well, the truth is…
[& then our friend erupted from the bright blue front door to say she was leaving & good night. we all hugged & then we were alone. again.]
so, you were about to tell me the truth.
i was? [laughs & smiles.]
yes, you were.
& then with all the blasé she could muster:
i think we all know i’d be with you if i weren’t married to ------.
you finally said it! [i couldn’t help but laugh a bit.]
you knew?! [with fake incredulousness.]
yeah! but i wasn’t gonna say anything! everyone knows! so & so asked me last year about it!
they know?
as the moon & stars as my witness, i swear to Pluto this is true.
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two-ish weeks later, we flirted deliberately for the first & last time, something like a falling star or meteor that turns to vapor in the atmosphere. everyone was over at my house, & we had just had dinner. you got off work early to everyone’s surprise & my delight.
as ------ & everyone else convened in the other living room, we sat alone on the long olive couch, next to each other. You were telling me how you were bursting to tell
------ how you felt about me.
…not tonight, though! you’ve been drinking & it’s late.
i know, i know. not tonight. but soon. do you want me to give you some kind of signal?
yes. in case i have to prepare for anything.
i wish i could remember what led up to the two flirty comments we offered at each other’s feet, but i can’t. what i do remember is that we were talking about something & laughing, & she began to blush.
you’re blushing! [more giggles.]
& then the softest pause.
i like it when you make me blush. [more blushing.]
i like to make you blush.
when i remember that exchange, it feels like it the closest thing we will ever get to a non-your-birthday kiss.
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within a month, you sent the signal through text:
i’ve opened a can of worms.
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two out of the last three birthdays you’ve kissed me.
the first year was a complete surprise because you didn’t ask. it was your 33rd birthday, & we were standing outside in your old courtyard, smokinglaughingtalking, & you kissed me on the mouth. then you did it again.
that was when i knew i liked you-liked you.
i’ve had friendships where we kiss on the cheek &/or lips to greet & farewell each other, but that was not us. there was an urgency to your kisses that year that my lips remember.
the second birthday kiss you gave me was this past pisces march. you were wine drunk on an almost empty stomach.
i can’t remember if we asked for someone to take our picture or if someone asked to take our picture, but we posed & you kissed the side of my face in your kitchen. you held the kiss so long i felt your mustache whiskers tickle my face.
you held the kiss so long by the time our friend took the picture, i was all beam. i was wearing my OMG rhinestone necklace, & that was kinda how i felt.
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Deer Future Ancestor Lettie, i now understand that if i’m surveying for proof of how much someone might like or love me, that that is a problem. at that point i should probs pick up my sweet ass & get the fuck out, or at the very least, stay away.
[i just did a deep sigh as i reread that, which usually means that something is so very true. my body agrees.]
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i’ve gotta save myself from the memory of you.
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the day you sent me that terrible robot message, i became an ocean. wild & uncontrollable with the potential to drown everything & everyone.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
there were so many signs i ignored.
i only started to feel the sting of your withdrawals a few years ago. there was this one fall late afternoon turned evening when you were catching me up on your happenings while you were away, & i knew all my intuitions were true.
as we perched half in & half out of the couch that eats you, you told me of the game you (probably still) play(ed) everyday, & how the husband of your character died, & then of how this woman began to spend time at the community center where she met a friend. some time later, when she would hang out with this friend, who was also a woman, hearts began appearing. though the game you play(ed) did not allow them to get married, which is usually where the hearts led to, you made it so they could live together.
this made everyone happy. the quality of their collective lives improved.
you looked slightly embarrassed & slightly invigorated as you relayed this story to me.
all i wanted to know was, “does your husband have to die for you to be with me, too?”
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the snowless December night you confessed you liked me-liked me, we stood outside my house smoking. you had been drinking a little. not my preference as far as confessional revelations go, but whatever. i asked you why you were giving someone i was sweet with such a hard time about not calling me when she said she would.
you weren’t this hard on e! i teased, knowing well why. the fact that someone was saying, “i love you” in return gave me a bolster of confidence.
i had promised myself that i would never say it first. not to you. you are married.
i had resolved to carry this love for you inside forever because you were my best friend, & i wanted all the silly pie making, apron wearing, tincture conjuring dreams of when we’re 40 to come true. i was making good on this promise.
you wanna know the truth?! [you smiled.]
yes. [i smiled back.]
the truth truth?
well, the truth is…
[& then our friend erupted from the bright blue front door to say she was leaving & good night. we all hugged & then we were alone. again.]
so, you were about to tell me the truth.
i was? [laughs & smiles.]
yes, you were.
& then with all the blasé she could muster:
i think we all know i’d be with you if i weren’t married to ------.
you finally said it! [i couldn’t help but laugh a bit.]
you knew?! [with fake incredulousness.]
yeah! but i wasn’t gonna say anything! everyone knows! so & so asked me last year about it!
they know?
as the moon & stars as my witness, i swear to Pluto this is true.
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two-ish weeks later, we flirted deliberately for the first & last time, something like a falling star or meteor that turns to vapor in the atmosphere. everyone was over at my house, & we had just had dinner. you got off work early to everyone’s surprise & my delight.
as ------ & everyone else convened in the other living room, we sat alone on the long olive couch, next to each other. You were telling me how you were bursting to tell
------ how you felt about me.
…not tonight, though! you’ve been drinking & it’s late.
i know, i know. not tonight. but soon. do you want me to give you some kind of signal?
yes. in case i have to prepare for anything.
i wish i could remember what led up to the two flirty comments we offered at each other’s feet, but i can’t. what i do remember is that we were talking about something & laughing, & she began to blush.
you’re blushing! [more giggles.]
& then the softest pause.
i like it when you make me blush. [more blushing.]
i like to make you blush.
when i remember that exchange, it feels like it the closest thing we will ever get to a non-your-birthday kiss.
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within a month, you sent the signal through text:
i’ve opened a can of worms.
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two out of the last three birthdays you’ve kissed me.
the first year was a complete surprise because you didn’t ask. it was your 33rd birthday, & we were standing outside in your old courtyard, smokinglaughingtalking, & you kissed me on the mouth. then you did it again.
that was when i knew i liked you-liked you.
i’ve had friendships where we kiss on the cheek &/or lips to greet & farewell each other, but that was not us. there was an urgency to your kisses that year that my lips remember.
the second birthday kiss you gave me was this past pisces march. you were wine drunk on an almost empty stomach.
i can’t remember if we asked for someone to take our picture or if someone asked to take our picture, but we posed & you kissed the side of my face in your kitchen. you held the kiss so long i felt your mustache whiskers tickle my face.
you held the kiss so long by the time our friend took the picture, i was all beam. i was wearing my OMG rhinestone necklace, & that was kinda how i felt.
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Deer Future Ancestor Lettie, i now understand that if i’m surveying for proof of how much someone might like or love me, that that is a problem. at that point i should probs pick up my sweet ass & get the fuck out, or at the very least, stay away.
[i just did a deep sigh as i reread that, which usually means that something is so very true. my body agrees.]
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i’ve gotta save myself from the memory of you.
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the day you sent me that terrible robot message, i became an ocean. wild & uncontrollable with the potential to drown everything & everyone.
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there were so many signs i ignored.
Lettie Laughter is a community healer single femme mama. They are currently trying to raise $$$money$$$ to get them & their kiddo to their next home where beloved femmeily is awaiting their arrival! If Lettie's work has ever brought you clarity or comfort, please consider donating to their fundraiser or PayPal, both located on the right sidebar, & sharing this info. You can also support by booking a reading of your own! |
Lettie Laughter
is a chronically ill queer brown femme, community healer, poet, playwright, & performer extraordinaire. They live, femmeifest, love, & write in Philly.
If you feel the love, show some love! I'm paying for this magical femmeiversal shit with your donations & outta my precious pocket, so please help pad these stardust pockets, tender heart!
Community Healers
Community $upport
Death Eating
High Moon Femme Tarot
Love Letters
Short Stories
Whale Heart Feels

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.