***CW: I’m talking about mental health stuff & mention being institutionalized & substance use. If these are things that can overwhelm or trigger, please be gentle with yourself. I trust you, & you doing everything right. Heart. I’ve been thinking about writing this for a long time, but really want to do it today. Maybe it’s the new moon in Cancer. Maybe it’s because I just had my 32nd birthday. Maybe it's because Pluto just paid us a visit & that energy is all about deep shifts & cleaning up old shit. Maybe because it’s time. There are just so many layers to what I want to share.
If you're interested in what kind of healing work I do, you can visit High Moon Femme Tarot at www.highmoonfemmetarot.com for more info. Heart. If you’d like to make an important donation to support this valuable work, there’s a Paypal link on the sidebar of my website. I’d really love to receive $50-$100 for my creative efforts & healing channeling today in the form of this post. Your energy exchange of $1-$50 makes all the difference! Thank you so much!
Yay! I love this. This is what I was talking about yesterday when I said "credibility and vulnerability." What's more credible than being vulnerable and holding another's hand as they walk down a familiar path? "How can I take you somewhere I've never been?" a quote from a quickie mentor I met who taught me so much in just a couple days, it always stays with me because I survived and I was born to share it.
7/15/2015 02:50:36 pm
so beautiful. thank you for expressing what i needed to hear at this point in my path
7/15/2015 04:18:04 pm
Lettie, thank you so much for writing this. You can absolutely be a crazy healer, and you are a healer. There is so much power and magic in surviving trauma, in talking about your life and your story. There are so many crazy / disabled /sick / queer / trans* / POC folks that need you. They don't need the professionals that couldn't help you. You are the healer that will understand where they're coming from. You are so beautiful in your spirit and body. Thank you for being a leader.
7/16/2015 03:57:39 am
I'm so grateful for this beautiful post full of powerful truth. I've been talking and working through this lately, and wanting to connect with other healers around this issue. Thank you.
7/16/2015 12:49:54 pm
We need more of us supporting each other down roads of recovery & surviving amidst experiences of trauma & abuse; we have true understanding which is more valuable to each other than anything!!!
7/16/2015 01:55:11 pm
thank you so much. 7/16/2015 02:05:46 pm
Yes! I am a wounded healer myself - the idea of a professional healer is a dangerous one, I believe. I think being wounded and being able to be of help to other wounded are an essential relationship - they go hand in hand. Authenticity, honesty, bewilderment, pain, grief - these things call out to each other, they are like a song, like a wolf howling in the night and all other wolves hear it and realise they are not alone. Professional healers do not howl, and we feel more alone the more we are in contact with them. Yes!!!! Thank you for this beautiful gift, for sharing this journey. As also a Disabled WOC person who does healing work, I've been thinking and struggling with just even using the term "healer" cause in Disability Justice we claim our journey as complex, beautiful and layered and reject the idea we need to be healed in order to be in harmony. I don't know any other Disabled people doing this work and really wondered how others have dealt with this challenge?
7/16/2015 04:17:45 pm
I wanted to own and apologize, I accidentally put "as also and then later WOC" I truly apologize. (I was referring to myself but it sounded like I meant you too)
7/17/2015 03:48:03 am
This story really touched my soul. Its amazing the way the universe gives you exactly what you ask for and puts people and words and so many different things right in front of your face to guide you and help us remember who we are. The only way to change is to accept who you truly are and you helped me with that today. Thank you so very much for your inspirational words!
7/17/2015 01:59:23 pm
7/17/2015 02:25:01 pm
I'm on my way to becoming a psychotherapist (starting classes and internship in September). Some time ago I told a fellow-crazy-people support group that I was worried that I was too fucked up to be a therapist -- like how am I to help other people (a questionable notion in itelf) get their shit together if I don't have my own together, right? insecure insecure insecure etc.
7/17/2015 02:31:06 pm
You are absolutely a healer. Your words provided healing to me this evening by letting me know I am not alone. And by intoducing me to new perspectives of how I can view what I've done to get here / to be here. Thank you! Comments are closed.